on 7:36 PM

Herbs are nature?s gift to mankind. They are highly potent and have healing qualities. Herbs and their derivatives are proven to be safer than other cosmetic products, and have negligible side effects. Herbal beauty products have their source in the ancient Indian system of medicine called Ayurveda.

Herbal beauty products are a combination of dried powders, flowers and roots in an oil base. They contain no preservatives, and are ecofriendly. They are not tested on animals and can be used on any skin type. The most sought-after herbal products are those that contain aloe vera. It is an essential ingredient in most herbal preparations.

Other well-known herbal products include cleansing agents made from spearmint and lime, moisturizers made from lavender and ginseng, and exfoliating scrubs made from the seeds and pits of fruits, and cleansing grains like oatmeal, corn meal, and tapioca. In addition, herbal moisturizers containing cucumber and cantaloupe are mild, light, and equally effective against dry skin.

Some herbal products help with mild conditions such as color patches, wrinkled skin, dull skin, and acne. These herbal products have their origin in flower and plant extracts.

For those who would prefer to make their own herbal concoctions at home, a wide variety of recipes are available on the Internet and in book stores. Some of the simplest recipes include two to three ingredients such as sage and sea salt, or apricots and water blended with skim milk powder, which can be easily found in stores.

Beauty products are not essential, but they are a luxury that most of us can afford. If you use beauty products, try to find some that have herbal ingredients, which will cater to your concerns while taking care of your body.

Beauty Products provides detailed information on Beauty Products, Discount Beauty Products, Natural Beauty Products, Herbal Beauty Products and more. Beauty Products is affiliated with Beauty Salon Equipment.

on 12:51 PM

A tall, slender body walking down the road, her ivory skin and blue eyes make you turn your head, her long silken tresses transfix your eyes and the luscious lips enthrall you. Is she the child of Venus? Well, going by our present standards of sizing beauty and narrowed vision of defining it, she is certainly the Aphrodite. We have limited our concept of beauty to just that what meets the eye. But beauty is not skin deep. It is more about pleasing somebody?s heart than appealing to mere eyes.

The popularity of cosmetic surgeries like Beauty Secrets for All Skin Typesabdominoplasty (tummy tucking), blepharoplasty (reshaping the eyelids and application of permanent eye liner), rhinoplasty (nose correction), butox injections to conceal wrinkles, etc and the mushrooming beauty centers, poses a serious question before us. Has our body taken centre stage in our lives? We are treading towards a potentially dangerous zone of self vanity. Statistics show that 11.4 million cosmetic procedures were conducted in US alone in 2004. Seeing the common place nature of these surgeries in the west, the trend is catching up in the east.

Bevy of young girls is lined across to undergo these surgeries to get that perfect pout of lips, the curvaceous waistline and those Naomi Campbell legs. The ?beauty products? industry has never had it so good. The endless lotions that change the color and texture of your skin, the treatments that transform your hard curls into smooth mane or give your straight hair those bouncy curls, never had a more burgeoning market. This is not a campaign against the cosmetic industry neither is it wrong to look attractive by applying color to the lips or accentuating the eyes with kohl. But we begin to err, when we turn oblivion to our inner beauty. If we can embellish our heart and soul just the way we do to our body, only then can we expect a face as radiant as the morning glow and a million dollar smile to enchant the onlookers.

?Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder?. We need to remind ourselves of this truth. For someone you mean the end of the world and for the other you are just another being on earth. So do these contradictory feelings explain anything about you? The fact is that the person who has fallen for you is not so charmed by your face than by the person you are. He admires the goodness of your soul and the gentleness of your heart. And this pure beauty reflects on your face which his eyes capture because he knows you and not just sees you. We get so influenced by the ravishing looks and the stylish ensembles of the actresses on screen, that we run to the nearest saloon and boutique to emulate them. But we fail to realize that a number of times it?s the strength of the character they play and the values they portray, which makes them so likeable.

It is so saddening to see young pretty girls suffering from anorexia and severe psychological and health disorders because they believe they need to have that shapely figure to be in the good books of guys. While one day they will also hear somebody saying, ?Guys do not like broomsticks.? So do we require to be approved by others every time? Or will we muster up the pluck to accept and approve of ourselves the way we are. It is the transparency of your character and belief in yourself that DRAWS and RETAINS people in your life. When we look at an infant, it is the twinkle in his eyes and the innocence of his smile that does not let your eyes take off him. The same is true of adults. The simplicity of your body, sensitivity of your heart and strength of the soul will touch others forever.

A beautiful verse from Theodore Tilten?s poem ?Even This Will Pass Away? explains the ephemeral nature of the corporal beauty.

Woman, fairest ever seen

Was the bride he crowned as queen,

Plowed on the marriage-bed

Whispering to his soul, he said

?Though no monarch ever pressed

Fairer bosom to his chest,

Mortal flesh is only clay!


So while we may certainly go to enhance our looks and accentuate the curves, remember it is all transient and superficial. Beauty lies within you so let it come out and add that extra shine on your lovely countenance.

Mind Body Soul http://www.mindbodynsoul.com

Mind Body Soul http://www.mindbodynsoul.com

on 6:57 PM

Tumescent liposuction is a newer, popular procedure for fat removal. The relatively low fees associated with tumescent liposuction make it so when compared to more traditional procedures.

Fees for Tumescent Liposuction

One of the forms of surgical sculpting for fat removal is the technique of tumescent liposuction, a procedure that limits bleeding with anesthesia fluid, which is pushed into the tissues with anesthetic effects lasting for several hours. Although, this surgery is able to reduce appreciably the pain, it often is more expensive if you are not careful.

There is no standard price or estimate because the fee for tumescent liposuction depends on different factors such as the size and number of the areas of the body to be treated. The price of this procedure also varies from country to country, city to city and from doctor to doctor. The average fee for liposuction is nearly $1800 per area, raising an additional cost of $900 for additional zones.

When it comes to treating large areas requiring tumescent liposuction, additional fees are determined in terms of size and importance of the region to be treated. Generally, you will get an estimate after the first consultation so you can determine the affordability of the procedure.

The more fat your body has accumulated, the higher the price to get it removed by means of tumescent liposuction. Contrary to other liposculpture procedures, tumescent liposuction requires an operating room to be scheduled, general anesthesia, or localized sedation for which prices are charged additionally and determined on the extent of the procedure.

Tumescent liposuction has become the method of choice for liposuction surgery mainly because the adrenaline added in the solution limits the blood loss that is seen with traditional liposuction. There is no guarantee that secondary surgery may not be needed for any reason, but more often due to large areas being treated rather than complications because tumescent liposuction is considered safe.

In the case of undergoing a secondary surgery, which usually is more difficult, the price for tumescent liposuction increases considerably, charging 2 procedures and twice the use of the operating room, anesthesia, etc. Surgeons who perform the operation have also a remarkable fee variation given the incidentals of the surgery such as blood tests, compression surgical garments and so on.

The expense of tumescent liposuction is highly dependent upon the specific work you are having done. Speak with your plastic surgeon to understand the total fee including the incidental costs.

Ricardo de Silva is with PlasticSurgeonPractices.com - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more liposuction articles.

on 5:51 PM

Consumers are turning to wholesome and therapeutic elements found in Mother Nature for skin care therapies and beauty treatments. There is an awareness of the potentially harmful effects associated with the long term use of synthetic chemicals found in many formulas. To name a few - 1,4-dioxane, a cancer causing contaminant found in cosmetic products; silicone emollients which coat the skin and trap anything beneath it - not allowing the skin to breathe; formaldehyde, cancer-causing vapor that can cause allergies, irritations to eyes, nose and throat, headaches and chronic fatigue.

Few people realize that skin is a ?dynamic tissue?. Up to 60% of the skin products that we apply are absorbed into our bloodstream! Cosmetics, lotions and creams are an important part of life but we need to be aware of the damage chemicals have on our system. The only way to correct this is to find something less harmful. Natural and organic herbal skin care is the answer - grown without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetically engineered seeds.

In the last few years many manufacturers have begun to add vitamins and antioxidants to their formulas. Look for vitamin A to assist in preventing roughness and dryness. C and E are the simplest forms of antioxidants and will help in the prevention of sun damage and in fighting premature wrinkles.

There is some evidence that vitamin C may pass through the skin?s top layer and heal tissue that has been damaged by a burn or an injury. A study recently showed that applying topical Vitamin C, 15 to 30 minutes after UV exposure, sunburn cells decreased and repair to the damage had begun. The one problem of this vitamin is that it is unstable when left open to the air. Research is continuing to optimize this but one consistent way is to use an anhydrous (no water) base cream.

Vitamin D interacts with sunlight to form in our bodies and is considered an antioxidant and an anticarcinogen. Although it can be toxic in large amounts, sunbathing won?t result in an overdose.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a soothing plant and the base of many natural cleansing formulas, offering exfoliation, moisturizing and protection. This ?miracle? plant dates back to the time of Cleopatra but was lost for years. It was rediscovered during the Second World War when it was used for treating burn victims. It is now used as an ingredient that will help with antiaging, in the healing of wounds and sun damaged tissue. Apply aloe gel several times a day and watch the redness of a sunburn disappear without peeling.

Topical use of a cream containing 0.5 percent aloe vera extract three times a day for four weeks shows a high cure rate of lesions in psoriasis patients. Further research suggests that this plant may have a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect with no known adverse reactions. The problem of eczema can be addressed with specific ingredients such as aloe vera which provides soothing, cleansing and healing.

A great idea in using natural formulas is to do-it-yourself. To prepare an aloe vera home recipe, take the slippery part from inside the plant, puree in a blender and keep refrigerated. Apply a coat of the gel for 5 minutes and rinse. Over time watch for spots, acne and scars to disappear.

Jojoba Oil
Plant and animal species around the world were being identified and quickly outlawed for hunting and harvesting. The use of products derived from these sources was banned. The endangered sperm whale produced waxes that were greatly valued for their function in cosmetics. During the 60?s and 70?s a liquid wax (jojoba oil) found in the deserts of California, Arizona and Mexico was discovered by scientists. It not only replaced the prohibited wax from the sperm whale but appeared to actually be superior.

This jojoba oil is an excellent moisturizing agent and has spreading and lubricating properties. It leaves a rich non-oily velvety feel and enhances flexibility and suppleness. Studies done at the University of Michigan demonstrated that it is quickly absorbed. Because of this, pores and hair follicles remain open maintaining their proper functioning ability.

Applied directly and as often as required it is known to reduce wrinkles and bring relief to sensitive skin. The desert peoples of Southern California and Mexico had long been using it to treat rashes and cuts because of anti-bacterial qualities.

Many companies and name brands are introducing their all natural skin care lines and in many cases, samples are available to try out their product.

But you, the consumer, needs to realize that any product, natural or chemical based may have side effects. It is most important to read and study the information on your product of interest, know your skin type and what effect you want to achieve.

With so many choices in skin care and beauty products, it becomes confusing as to what is the best value for the money. No one has all the answers. But I do have the time to check out and make myself knowledgeble about what is out there. Many consumers are busy with other things and may not have the time to do the research. I attempt on my sites to give them some answers, or at least point them in the direction that will give them some answers. My sites are http://www.skin-care-n-cosmetics.com and http://www.perfume-n-cologne-shop.com

on 12:58 PM

Make up does wonder to the overall image. It makes the face polished and pretty looking. I have met one too many women who told me they have no time for make up application. These women are definitely at a disadvantage in the job market, because women who put make up on, makes about 35% more than those who don?t.

A perfect make up application has many steps. However, some days, women have to wake up and run out for work, with no time for breakfast or a long make up routine. If you are a busy woman with no time in the morning, follow this quick make up routine that will guarantee you looking simple and fresh.

These are the tools and make up you must have on hand ? face powder, big powder brush, lipstick, eyelash curler, mascara and concealer.

Be sure the concealer is a shade lighter than your face. By the time it covers the dark blemish, the colour of the coverage will be very close to your natural skin tone. The face powder colour is to match your own face colour. Use a lipstick that is a shade or two darker than your lips ? for radiance. As for mascara ? if you are a brunette, you may choose very dark brown to black. However, if you are blond or very fair, use taupe or medium brown instead for more harmony.

Here are the steps for a 2 minute make up application:

1. Wash, tone and moisturize your face, apply sunscreen, then put some lipbalm on the lips.

2. Dab on concealer using your finger tip ? preferably your ring finger. Dab it on on any blemishes you have, as well as on your undereye circles. Blend well.

3. Dust on face powder with a big fluffy powder brush.

4. Put on lipstick.

5. Curl your eyelashes, sweep on mascara.

Voila - simple and fresh. Now you are ready to rush out!

Noelle Wong sees and unveils beauty in people. She is the owner of iN-IMAGE! Inc., a personal image consulting company in Toronto that offers one-on-one consultations and workshops to help people increase their personal presence. Her website is http://www.in-image.com, blog site is http://www.in-image.blogspot.com
